Launch of HUE Trials

HUE Trials - Bacteria Adventure has just released on, and I hope this is the beginning of a great time with this community. I never got into until someone recently recommended it, and now I don't know why I didn't join sooner. 

I originally launched HUE Trials on android two years ago, but it was US only, which I believed greatly limited its success. I was very concerned with the legal side of the launch, and avoided other countries because of the possible privacy infractions. Since then, I have gained the courage to deal with such issues. I did a complete redesign of the HUE Trials menu systems and launched globally 2021-06-18 on Android. A friendly stranger who tried it through a Reddit post suggested making a browser version, and that lead me here to 

Go and give it a try. I'll probably post some more devlogs after I am more settled on how to select post types. So many of these categories seem to completely overlap lol, but I'll figure it out.

Files Play in browser
Jul 03, 2021

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